“As a journalist and documentary maker I’ve had to learn the hard way that a story without an audience is not yet finished. Diane has the rare and valuable qualities of drive, dedication and skill. She knows audiences and importantly, how to reach them. She’s also supportive, practical, reliable and an absolute delight to work with.”
I have been organizing Documentary Events® since 2010. From that very first documentary event, I knew that these docs had potential to impact people in a different way than feature films. I watched that first audience view a documentary and connect with the content. It was that ‘live learning’ in the communal environment of a theatre auditorium that hooked me and I wanted to screen more of these documentaries.

To date, I’ve screened and organized over 62 documentary events. These docs has delved into a range of subjects, from the use of algorithms in the stock market to the everyday opioid crisis in communities across America.
Visit our site here and learn how your company can align with a documentary that runs parallel to your mission or cause. We are happy to show you how documentaries can be a great way to connect with your audience.